Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sam Adams Irish Red

As my time with my current employer comes to a close, I am looking forward to a time when drinking a healthy amount of beer will be more the cause of celebration than the medication for the toil of the day. Tonight the doctor has ordered a list of blood pressure meds, blood sugar meds, and some Zoloft, all to be washed down with a bottle or two of Sam Adams’ Irish Red.

Exhibiting a dark, red tinted, copper hue as its poured, a two and half finger head with a light brown tint forms. An aroma of yeast and bread with a light hoppiness to it welcomes the first sip.
The beverage itself is defined with malt forward flavors of syrup and caramel, rounded by a mild bitterness on the back end. While the flavor is just okay, the overall drinking experience is on the high end for a Samuel Adams beer, beers that tend to be mediocre at best on the craft beer spectrum, thanks to a wonderfully full, creamy texture.

 If available at bar without many craft options, this would be a fine stand in for something with more complexity. 


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